This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says:
“In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength…”
 Isaiah 30:15 


When  busy  crowds  the  calendar  and  routines  go  all  awash,  

then  we  need  more  than  ever  to  earmark  moments,  hours,

and  those  whole  days,  

resolvedly  reserve  them  for  sacred  rest—

drawing  strength  from  quietness…


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     Still Saturday       

 Scripture and Snapshot

10 thoughts on “Rest for Deliverance, Quietness for Strength

  1. Dear Sylvia
    This is so true. When we really become still, we find our God in those moments!

  2. What a great verse!
    I’ve actually passed on all my responsibilities and am taking a year of rest. I started in May and it’s been lovely. I’m already feeling so refreshed!

    1. Sounds wise to me, Laura. A Sabbatical year is so biblical. A few years back I was so in need of one, and seemed unable to get it, and I was, quite frankly, getting burned out. Then circumstances suddenly brought about a surprise Sabbatical! They weren’t circumstances I’d wish for at all, but I saw God’s hand in it. Glad you are able to do this on your own initiative. May God bless you richly in it, and may you experience a new and deeper closeness with Him as a result.

    1. Floyd, I’ve not been so good at it myself. That’s partly why I harp on it so much. A lot of what I write about it is for self-reminder.

      “Honor is found in rest earned…” I also believe now, quite strongly, that righteous rest taken helps strengthen our ability to do the honorable. God bless.

  3. That Scripture has spoken to my heart so many times. It is underlined in my Bible. And again, I need rest, repentance, quietness, and trust. The Lord has been faithful to return strength and continues to work out my salvation which He has given me by grace. Trust in Him rewards greatly. (I have a post on rest coming up soon, too.)
    Simply lovely.

  4. Just had to remind myself about this truth this morning, too, Janis, as my day seemed to start unraveling early. Now all is peace again, and I am ready to go walking back into the daily with peaceful determination. What a mistake we (I) make by keeping charging on without stopping to draw near to him, to draw on His quieting and strengthening grace and power!
    So glad you visited and commented!

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