How often have you had the same scripture or scriptural sentiment pop up in front of you from various sources within a short frame of time, and totally unexpected? And even the first time it appeared, did it resonate? Did you recognize even then that it was something you needed to hear?
At almost every women’s retreat I’ve attended in the last decade, it seems at least one woman has reported that happening to her during her away time. This happened during the past weekend, after “silence” was “broken” when we came together and shared as a group. One woman shared a verse that showed up four times for her during the few short days, and it addressed something important personally for her.
We (the group) had the same sort of thing happen with the daily flip calendar that the director likes to set out on the snack table, propped open to the day’s date, so that anyone looking over the table will notice and hopefully read the day’s message on it.
Yesterday as I passed by, I stopped to read… and saw this:
At first I suspected the director had purposely bought a calendar with a stillness theme throughout. But no, I flipped the cover shut and saw… this:
And I did page through the little volume, and didn’t happen on any other thoughts about silence or stillness. Only for Saturday, October 13th, the day that we had set aside totally for silence.
After that I noticed, in the small retreat center where we’d gathered, these, as well:
That really isn’t so surprising at a Christian retreat center, but they did stand out for me after I’d read the calendar’s devotion for the day–and considered that this was our first time to use this venue, and as far as I know there are no other silent retreats held there.
So I share the devotion with you, above, because it certainly is appropriate “found wisdom.” And it seems like it wants especially to be read.
This verse, Psalm 65:1 was on the open page of my Bible next to my computer as I read your post: “To You belongs silence (the submissive wonder of reverence which bursts forth into praise) and praise is due and fitting to You, O God, in Zion; and to You shall the vow be performed” AMP. Bible
The theme for the Women’s Living Your Faith Everyday Conference next spring is “Be Still”
Wow, Laurie! I love the amplification the AMP Bible gives for this verse. It’s beautiful.
(I wonder how still it will be at the conference. I’ll venture to guess that it will be far easier to talk about being still than to do it! A real challenge, isn’t it?)
Psalm 46 is one of my favorites…especially vs. 10.
That is indeed a precious verse. It’s interesting to note, also, how much turmoil swirls around it in most of the other verses in the psalm. It’s like an island of calm in the midst of the raging, earthquake-stirred sea..