Free writing for five minutes on the prompt word…






What’s the point?

More to the point, why do we ask?

The birds don’t ask.

They hatch and chirp and fly and sing and nest and raise their own little broods and then are gone. They migrate according to their own GPS and never sit around and ponder, “What’s it all about?”

The chipmunks don’t ask. They burrow and run and gather and store up and race about doing what they do, and never fret about the shortness of life or the fate of the world.

But we do.

We ask when disappointments come. “What was the point of all that work?” (Or pain?)

We ask when we’re exhausted. “Why am I doing all this?”

We ask and question the path before us, the past behind us, the purpose for our life.

We ask when we get the chance just to sit around and ponder and discuss. The point of this. The point of that…

Now as I write and ponder why we ponder such ponderings myself, the answer that comes is this:

“He has put eternity in our hearts.” We ask about and seek for a point to it all because we know deep down, like the birds know which way to migrate… we somehow know there IS one.

May He point our hearts all toward it!


2 thoughts on “Why We Ponder the Point

  1. The point of it all is: Jesus is alive and desires to work miracles in our lives as we allow Him to do so. Enjoyed your take on Point.

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