How silently, how silently the wondrous gift is given.
So God imparts to human hearts the blessings of His heaven.
No ear may hear His coming,
But in this world of sin
Where meek souls will receive Him still
The dear Christ enters in.
-Phillips Brooks
Silently given, silently received.
[Addendum: For an interesting related commentary on Isaiah 30:15,
read the comments.]
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10 thoughts on “How Silently

  1. Fascinating that the things of the most value in this world can’t be measured with our external senses… How the flesh gets in the way of wisdom…
    Silently we are saved.

    1. Good, true words, Floyd, about those most valuable things. And “Silently we are saved” brought to my mind Isaiah 30:15. I had to search for its reference and when I did I learned the following KJV words in it have these meanings:

      returning – retirement, withdrawal
      rest – rest, quietness
      quietness – quietness, quietness of mind
      confidence – trust

      Then I also found this commentary on the verse, by Matthew Henry (shortened a bit):

      [1.] Would we be saved from the evil of every calamity…? It must be in returning and rest, in returning to God and reposing in him as our rest. Let us return from our evil ways, into which we have gone aside, and rest and settle in the way of God and duty, and that is the way to be saved. “Return from this project of going down to Egypt, and rest satisfied in the will of God, and then you may trust him with your safety. In returning (in the thorough reformation of your hearts and lives) and in rest (in an entire submission of your souls to God and a complacency in him) you shall be saved.’’

      [2.] Would we be strengthened to do what is required of us and to bear what is laid upon us? It must be in quietness and in confidence; … we must retire into ourselves with a holy quietness, suppressing all turbulent and tumultuous passions, and keeping the peace in our own minds. And we must rely upon God with a holy confidence that he can do what he will and… what is best for his people.”

      Thank you for sharing this inspiring comment. A real blessing. May God give you much joy in Him this Christmas!

  2. Yes, HisFireFly,
    He teaches me that more and more each year, it seems. Thank you for visiting and commenting. Rich Christmas blessings to you!

  3. One of the most difficult stretches life in our present-day world is that it’s almost constantly noisy; so little silence, so SELDOM peaceful. ONLY HE can/will do it for us, over and over again. That’s what I count on.

  4. That is so true, Joanne. That’s why I honestly thanked Him for getting sick at the “worst” time, in December’s first half, throwing me way “behind,” but actually forcing me to put aside all that busyness, keep things simple, and be still and know that He is God. Peace and sweet moments of stillness with Him to you in the coming year! (But without the sickness!)

  5. And thank you, Mary, for stopping over here again. Just passing on others’ beautiful thoughts He’s blessed me with. And may He bless you deeply in the coming new year!

  6. I was looking for your “Merry” post. Has that been relocated?

    I hope you have a most joyous and blessed New Year, Sylvie.

  7. Hi Lynn,
    Actually, I rethought it, after reading your good comment, and relocated it — to “delete.” (heh) It might have had some good thoughts about being sensitive to those who, unknown to us, may be hurting amid everyone else’s jollity, but I don’t want to discourage anyone from wishing “Merry Christmas,” either. I have done it myself, several times since.

    And I hope you had a *Merry* Christmas, and that God will bless your new year richly!

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