Scavenging with Scavenger Hunt Sunday‘s prompts: Sunset, Sweet, Hanging Around, Funny Face, and Space. May God be praised through them.
Sunset (/Sunrise?) = From archives. And I’m not sure if this is sunset or sunrise. Anyhow…
From the rising of the sun to its going down
The LORD’s name [is] to be praised.
-Psalm 113:3
How sweet are Your words to my taste,
Sweeter than honey to my mouth!
-Psalm 119:103
For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and creature of the sea,
is tamed and has been tamed by mankind.
-James 3:7
(Even these two cats in the yard — sort of.)
Space = Face in Space. Honestly, I just happened to shoot the moon, and this is how it came out. All I did was darken the highlights a little and sharpen the image slightly, so you could see it.
[David’s seed/line] will be established forever like the moon,
the faithful witness in the sky.
-Psalm 89:37
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Yes, to praise Him all day, every day! A reminder to do so is always good.
Dear Sylvia,
This is truly an awesome moon shot. I can never get one like this!!! Good hit!
Nice shot of the moon.
I’m loving the golden honey! Thinking how the leaf kept its color through the cold. And so loving Katie Kat (who reminds me of my niece’s cat recently passed) and the sinister one.
And the last scripture about the moon–I drew that as a word bowl poetry prompt at the Laity Lodge writer’s retreat last year and had to free write on it for I don’t remember how long. Posted it on my blog some time back. 🙂
Wow…these are all so beautiful.
Blessings to you♥
Love your beautiful cat, Katie. such a lovely face. All of your scriptures are so lovely with your photos!