We read it together last night after dinner, in Ezekiel 8:14-18—God’s people turning their backs on Him to look in hope toward anything else.
We read it together a while ago in Francis Chan’s Crazy Love (highly recommended faith-challenge book):
“Lukewarm people [by which he means most American evangelicals] do not live by faith; their lives are structured so they never have to” [p. 78] (followed by Christ’s parable of the bigger barns).
He mentions pensions and insurance, bank accounts and fridges filled, as things we trust in—those and our own tireless human planning and fleshly effort.
And then he gives this sharp assessment: “The truth is, their lives wouldn’t look much different if they suddenly stopped believing in God.”
What’s the difference—between that ancient “people of God” and today’s? Not much.
So easy to let “Faith” become a foggy abstract, a vague emoting, floating on clouds.
Yet, real faith is concrete. Real faith is hard. At first step. And fifth. And ninth.
But after a while, I come to realize: It isn’t really hard after all. It’s my lack of it that makes life difficult. Lukewarm people have to worry. People learning to trust God rest easy in His care and guidance instead!
What’s needed? A little scary obedience and willing weakness. Next post (To Practice the Practice of Faith: Radical Resolve).
Oh, it’s so true! How we don’t want to live by faith – and how our lack of faith makes life so much harder. If only we would learn to more fully trust in Him! Another thing I’ll have to work on harder. Thank you for this beautiful reminder!
How I need the reminder myself, Mary. It has been good exercise to write–and think–about this topic. Striving and praying for continual baby-step progress. God bless!