I’m not talking about more flamboyant food. Or more spectacular table decor. Or more expensive dishes or table linens. I’m talking about richer thanksgiving!
Last November the little Bible study group that met in my home did a Thanksgiving-enhancing activity that really blessed me. I’m sharing it here so that this year it can bless you, too.
Each of us got a little mini-booklet like the one in the photo. And here was the plan: each day in November, on one of its 2 1/2 by 5 1/2 inch pages we would write thanks to God for just one thing, event, situation, or abstract blessing. It could be a blessing of the day, or a remembered blessing of the preceding year.
Even though I forgot on two different days, and just left blank pages, my naming of things for which I was thankful all the other days led up to a grand culmination for me on the holiday itself. It helped Thanksgiving Day live up to its name–and be fuller, richer, more joyful.
So you might want to make up such a little booklet, or just use your daytimer or some little notebook as your thanks-recording spot. It’s a good activity in which to include children, grandchildren, nieces, or nephews, too. And if several of the people who gather together for your celebration do the same thing, you just might enjoy the richest sharing of any Thanksgiving Day yet.
So, here’s wishing you in advance… a very Happy Thanksgiving!
great idea! Thanks!