Just launched on Amazon: Denise J. Hughes’ new book on writing. It’s a good one. And until tomorrow (Tuesday) night at midnight, you can get a free download of it! Click over here for how to do that.

BecomingWriter-3D-500It’s an opportunity not to miss. Denise uses her experience as gifted writer, blogger, and teacher of college composition to bring together information and real writerly help you might not find elsewhere.

I like the way she puts into clear perspective  misunderstandings we may have about the writing process and things we may perceive as our own hindrances to it. Whether you have a book project in mind or just want to boost your blog or get a bit of helpful encouragement, take a look at her overview.  And then, yes, go ahead, and download!

Thanks, Denise, for the gift of your teaching!



3 thoughts on “Attention Bloggers and Other Writers: Great Freebie (Limited Time)

  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this information, Sylvia. I got mine! Love it and you, Dawn

  2. Sylvia, thank you for sharing this e-book with others. I am so blessed by your words, here and always. Your comments have always been a tremendous source of encouragement to me, and I thank you.

    I am so blessed whenever I stop by your beautiful blog. Honestly, you’re one of my favorite writers. (I mean that.) I can always sense the spirit of Christ in your words.

    Thank you for being so faithful in this ministry of words. You bless many.

  3. Oh, thank you, too, Denise. Your encouragement means much to me, such a blessing. And if the Spirit of Christ shows up in my words here, well, that is the best, that is what I pray for. All that most matters is really about Him and in Him, isn’t it?
    His best blessings on your helpful book!

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