
Today’s the 25th of the month. When you see “25th” does it bring any particular season to mind?

Which holiday do you most remember and (try to) prepare for ahead of time?

a) Christmas?

b) Easter? 

c) the Fourth of July?

Which holiday does the Bible say to remember? 

I think you’ve got it! Easter! Or better put, Resurrection Day. At least the event it celebrates… 

Remember that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, was raised from the dead according to my gospel (2Ti 2:8).

Scripture also says to remember the events leading up to it: The Last Supper, the torment of His final days, the cross, the death. He Himself instructed,

“This do in remembrance of me”

[Thus] you proclaim the Lord’s death till he comes

-1 Corinthians 11:23-26

Really remembering, really considering it all, what believer could commemorate Resurrection Day without exuberant gratitude and emotional celebration?

Those of us with liturgical traditions or who otherwise observe Lent probably are remembering! The promise of freedom from our self-imposed restriction dangles before us like carrot before mule, yet unlike the carrot it does loom happily nearer as the apex Day approaches.

But those of us with non-liturgical traditions… Well, sometimes the very calendar-marked day takes us by surprise! (As… “Next Sunday is Easter? Already?”)

But, in either case, Christmas usually gets the most forethought, and fore-effort.

Nothing wrong with celebrating profusely a day marking His birth.

What’s wrong is how we forget God’s crowning week of all history!


It was last year, I think, a brother in Christ said to me, “I don’t really do much for Easter.” I wondered how many other Christians would say the same.

Some of us, sometimes, do plain nothing.

Guilty here, in the past (hanging head)! Before I believed and started following Christ, I even moved (household) one Easter. (God made this event memorable with a major snowstorm!) Even afterward, my highest holiday, for the longest time, definitely remained Christmas. 

But of late I’ve taken time to think ahead, to prepare for and consciously walk through Holy Week in blessed remembrance–especially to prepare my mind and heart. 

Result? A Resurrection Day brimming full with so much richer mixture of joy and gratitude trumping grief. Not from added busy flourishes, mind you, but simply from focusing on the holy wonder of that final week, the horrid death, the dark despair, the bursting light of life re-risen and victory won over sin and death!

A few years back, after making this springtime change, I sat in a pew on Easter morning, listening to the scriptures, reveling in the Resurrection. And I happened to turn and behold that part of the congregation behind me. I think I was expecting to exchange joy looks, revel in company over this earth-shaking marvel. 

But what I saw was almost a blow! Blank faces, all around. Zombie like! Yike! I turned again and did my reveling quietly in private.

Who wants to joy with me this “Easter”? Because I’m figuring on it. And in anticipation, I’m purposing to remember… all He did that Holy Week (the extent of it was amazing!) I hope to share my focus here, in reposts and new posts, remembering: His giving, His pouring out of self and all, His dying, His winning… His glory!


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12 thoughts on “WHAT to Remember—Lest We Forget!

  1. How wonderful that you spend so much time to spiritually prepare for Easter. For me, I find my yearly preparation for Easter becomes more quiet and contemplative, while Christmas is more joyous and outward centered. Thanks for your post.

  2. Nancy, I see my reply to your comment got lost somewhere in cyberspace! But it spoke of the same preparation, more quiet and contemplative than fussy-busy. An especially appropriate time for the former. As I prepare also for friends visiting this Easter, I need to remember that and not get caught up in the busy, need purposely to set times apart to focus on and settle into the meaning of the week, of the day. Thanks so much for visiting and commenting. A blessed Holy Week to you!

  3. I’m actually one of the non-liturgical ones you mentioned. I have learned a lot from my liturgical friends, but have been convicted to stick with our tradition. As I hope all Christians do, we celebrate the resurrection everyday, but more specifically every Sunday in communion. I think some people (I’m not referring to you) can get caught up in tradition, whether it be weekly or annually, and forget that Jesus wants to be always risen in us. Remembered every single day.

  4. Yep, Tereasa, it’s that remembering, not forgetting, that’s important, and what will help each of us do that is what’s important in our tradition–or our departure from it. I feel unusually blessed by the great smorgasbord (some might say wildly varied conglomeration) of traditions I’ve been exposed to in one way or another. What surprised me in the past couple years, as we looked for a new “church home,” was that the two richest worship experiences I had were at 1) the least liturgical church and 2) the most liturgical church I visited! How liturgical is evidently not the question, but whether God is focused on and honored. But we are all different in our learning and life styles, and it stands to reason that we would be able to worship more naturally in “traditions” that are compatible with our makeup. What a blessing that we can choose and not be stuck in what evokes no more than “wooden” worship from us! Thanks for your insights. Remembering–and living–the resurrection everyday, that’s the ultimately important thing!

  5. Dear Sylvia,

    When the 25th came yesterday I said to my daughter who was visiting. Well, it’s 9 months till Christmas. Yes, we do think of Christmas. It seems to be the BIG one in Chritiandom. Easter does not have a set date, perhaps that could be some of the lukewarmness surrounding the holy-day. I think of evening and candlelight services when I think of Christmas, too, as opposed to sunrise services and getting 4 kids ready by the crack of dawn not quite knowing how to dress because the weather is so unpredictable. I don’t know, but Easter never brings the warm memories that Christmas does to my mind. A shift to Easter’s spiritual significance is essential to giving it the supreme place it deserves. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


    PS Happy Easter!

    1. So, Dawn, that number 25 on the calendar struck you the same way it did me! The set date probably does make it easier to remember, and aim at, as the time approaches.
      And maybe it’s a good thing that our warmer family-and-friends memories revolve around Christmas instead, because then Easter can be freer of much else other than that “shift to Easter’s spiritual significance” which indeed “is essential to giving it the supreme place it deserves.”
      And Happy Easter to you and yours, too, dear friend.

  6. another thought provoking post. preparing for our Easter musical impacts me week by week and I am always sorry when practices are over….some phrases from the songs (by the Gettys) “Take your truth plant it deep in us; shape and fashion us in your likeness…test my heart and my attitude in the radiance of your purity…Oh to see my name written in the wounds, for your suffering I am free….through the Spirit who clothes faith with certainty…when faced with trials on every side we know the outcome is secure…what a joy– what a cost”

    1. Laurie,
      Yes, that prep for the musical oughta do it! It’s a little like practicing the celebrating ahead of time. Beautiful. Yes, “what a joy…” at “what a cost”!

  7. Yes. The love demonstrated by the Father and Son that we can only glimpse the edges of. A love that saved a cursed world. Peace and joy come from the thankful and reverent heart… Thank you Jesus…

  8. There is no greater joy than that which we have in the Resurrection! Celebrating that wonderful truth with you, Sylvia. Beautiful thoughts here.

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