I’ve really gotten fixated, in the last few posts, on this mini theme of “One” as a key concept in successful living—with success being anything you define real success to be.

Which brings me to something that’s been rattling around in my head for the last two days: Some things Jesus said about the concept of “One”—Jesus as He walked the earth with His disciples, as God said throughout the ages in various pieces of scripture scattered in Old and New Testaments.

Christ told His disciples to avoid worrying about material needs and future concerns by living life “One day at a time” (Mt 6:24-34).

He pointed out the value of unloading all the cluttered abundance (Mt 6:19-21Mk 10:17-25 in exchange for the One surpassing treasure, the “pearl of great price”  (Mt 13:44-46),

and invited them to leave their nets (Mt 4:17-22; Mk 1:14-20) and tax tables (Mt 9:9) and houses and lands and tangled worldly pursuits and relationships (Mt 19:16-29; Mk 10:28-31) to come follow Him…

on “the way that is narrow and traveled by few,” the way that leads to “life” (Mt 7:13-14).

He held up the vision of “a single eye”  as  a focus to be sought after (Mt 6:22-23),

and praised Mary’s focus on the oneneedful thing” as a wiser, more noble choice than Martha’s worried distraction about “many things” (Luke 10:38-42).

These are just the examples that come to me off the top of my head. There may be many more. (Can you think of any?)

So this might be a good point at which to draw aside just to read and reflect on some of those passages, and get our vision focused on His recommended course to travel on our “Meandering Forward.”

Happy reflecting!


For a set of links to all the other posts in this “Meandering Forward” series, go to this page, which will be updated daily as new posts appear in the blog content.