Here I am, on the first of October, in the wee hours of morning, still inwardly debating whether to go down this path, whether to commit myself to 31 Days of blog posts in October again this year.

Last year was actually fun, and fulfilling, even though I had to figure in a weekend away on retreat without internet service. This year I’ll have two time periods when I’ll be without internet; so it’s even more of a challenge. But that almost makes me want to rise to the occasion even more.

I’ve also spent a lot of time trying to figure out a theme for this year.

I really enjoyed doing the collage challenge last year, but my camera’s operational state is iffy (battery leak and resulting corrosion, oh my!), and it doesn’t happen to be with me right now, so I don’t know if I’ll be able to post pics of collages, if I do have time to create them. So, I need a different theme this year. I hope, however, to include collages, at least part of the time.

Last year also, as October progressed, the desire grew in me to write on a particular established national theme for this month, DVAM. This is the month set apart to heighten public awareness of domestic abuse and what can be done to stop and prevent it. But I don’t feel at all ready to write thirty-one posts about that yet this year. 

But one thing both uncomplicated and worth sharing is the wisdom that has popped up in front of me in the past year, sometimes in surprising settings and from surprising sources. Hopefully I’ll have more new encounters through this month. I’m sticking my neck out by hoping so, because I don’t have 31 bits of wisdom all lined up neat and tidy, and I haven’t yet searched my journals to see how many I recorded there. 

So okay, I’m taking a chance, but I’ve decided. My theme this year will be “31 Days of Found Wisdom: Wise Words and Sayings from Expected and Unexpected Places.” Some of the wise words will probaby relate to domestic abuse and its prevention; some blogs will probably be accompanied by collage.

All that is nebulous. But the basic commitment has become clear: to “Write 31 Days”! Onward and upward!


Here, below on this page, is where you will find links to all the posts for this series, appearing as soon as the posts are published:

2. Introduction: Where is Wisdom Found?

3. Insight about Despair, Part One

4. Despair Part Two: Despair as the First Step Toward Healing 

5. Specific Despair, Boundless Hope

6. Specific Despair, Boundless Hope, Part 2


12 thoughts on ““Write 31 Days”—On Discovering Wisdom

    1. I’m so glad! It really encourages me to keep going! And it’s just good to see you here.

    1. Thanks, Lynni, for more encouragement. I hope I have some to share everyday!

    1. Thanks again. I loved doing it, and my hands are itching right now to be doing some collage. I hope I can work some into this series.

    1. I’m glad you like it, Lynn! I’m so glad to have you traveling with me!

  1. I’m happy to hear that, Donna. And now I have a sense of companionship, which inspires me. Carry on!

  2. Yay! Collage and writing and wisdom…I’m looking forward to following your journey this month…I’ve committed to weekly posts for October, so you’ve inspired me to stick to my plan…the theme: talk, read,write and listen. Words on the cover of my re-purposed book journal.

    Happy autumn, Kel

    1. Kel! I was hoping I would see you here–and that you would be getting inspired to blog more again! I do enjoy your blogs so much, and miss them when they’re not there. Looking forward to reading more of them again. And a happy autumn to you, too!

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